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Lawrence Ashdown, Lung function greatly improved

Lawrence Ashdown, Lung function greatly improved

I am 75, and for many years I’ve suffered from a serious lung disease related to emphysema. This caused me to breathe very heavily, especially when sleeping and restricted my daily activities.

A breath analyser test and chest x-ray showed that I had lost 45 percent of my lung capacity. The doctor said there was no activity in one section of my lungs and there was no cure or medication for my condition.

Due to medical restrictions and the advice of my doctor, we decided against removing that part of my lung.

Within 3 weeks of starting on stem cell nutrition, I noticed a definite improvement.

I could walk much further without stopping to rest. My doctor found the oxygen level in my blood had increased and there was now some activity in the part of my lungs that showed none before.

I am now breathing better and don’t hear that rattling sound in my lungs.

All the congestion is cleared up. Since then, I started an exercise program and even though I push the limits,

I have no soreness or stiffness in my arms, shoulders or legs.

Stem cell nutrition has given me a much brighter outlook for the future.