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Greg Rosbrook, Blood Pressure, Sight

Greg Rosbrook, Blood Pressure, Sight

I am 75 and still hold a Commercial Vehicle Licence and the annual renewal requires me to have an exten-sive health check and a more extensive than normal optical examination.

My GP was amazed to find I could turn my head up, down, and to each side much more than an average 75 year old.

My blood pressure that used to register in the higher region was a very respectable normal – I was taking a lot of prescribed tablets and my joint mobility had been very poor.

I stunned my GP by almost touching my toes.

For the first time ever, I didn’t have to get a stronger prescription in my glasses and surgery for two optical reasons had been put on hold as my eyes that had been declining rapidly were back to the same as they had been 2 years previous.

I have been taking stem cell nutrition for almost 4 months and am absolutely amazed and totally convinced that in time, more health issues will be resolved.