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Adelina Vanderzee, Fibromyalgia, wrinkles, weight loss, prawn allergy, hay fever

Adelina Vanderzee, Fibromyalgia, wrinkles, weight loss, prawn allergy, hay fever After the first 5 months on stem cell nutrition, I noticed my severe aches and pain from fibromyalgia went; my wrinkles diminished; I felt more vibrant and more energetic and was told I look younger. I have now been on them for 7 years and feel like I am ageing gracefully backwards.

I had severe rashes for about 6 months which was very painful, itchy, red and inflamed on much of my body. Cortisone creams took away the stinging for a while but it would return with a vengeance. Within 3-4 months, my rashes vanished and replaced with soft skin with no scarring.

Weight Loss – My weight had previously increased. It was impossible to shake off. My appetite started to reduce and gradually within 4 to 5 months, I lost 8-10 kilos without even trying, much to my delight. My body shape changed to like I was many years younger.

Wrinkles – deep cracks, crow’s feet started vanishing—my facial therapist noted as she examined it under the magnifying glass lamp over time. Looking younger – when I was at the Emirates counter flying to Singapore to meet my God parents who had seen me before I started the supplements, the lady kept looking at my passport photo and me and said “I cannot believe you look younger now that in your passport photo” that was taken several years prior. When I got to the airport in Singapore, my God Parents could not locate me but noticed my husband due to his Kojak hairdo and was wondering who that young girl was beside him.

I started jumping out of bed in the morning after being on the supplements which was very unusual for me. Initially though, I felt very sleepy as my body began to regenerate.

My fibromyalgia is gone; my facial pigmentation is fading; I feel clearer in my mind; its much easier to cope with stress and I need less sleep without getting sick. I had developed a severe allergy to prawns when I was in my early twenties and now after many years on the supplements, I am able to eat them again with no reaction. My allergist mentioned that that is most unusual. I also had wheat allergy, but now I am noticing I can now eat wheat products. My hay fever is also less severe.